Australia Day Party

Australian themed clothing was popular.
Maxine with 'Emu' glove puppet.
A range of delicious dips was provided for the chocolate fountain.

Andy and I hosted our 3rd Australia Day party on Saturday 26th January, which was the actual day. Our usual turnout of 20+ guests came along to celebrate all things from 'down under'. Sheila claimed the prize for not only travelling the furthest from Preston to Nottingham but also for having the most Australian name! Many partygoers came armed with cuddly koalas, kangaroos, wombats, crocodiles and wearing cork hats. We dined on vegemite and barbeque flavoured Shape biscuits - that had been sent from Australia especially for the occasion - and drank Castlemaine XXXX and Australian wine. We now have a surfeit of vegemite and Australian white wine! Music was provided by Kylie, Jason, INXS and my 'best Australian album ever'. Alas, knowing three friends who own didgeridoos, none of the instruments appeared at the party.

As the party was also a birthday celebration for me and I'd received a double chocolate fountain as an early present, this was put to use and we provided a sweet rather than savoury buffet with marshmallows, chocolate brownies, doughnuts, banana, melon, pineapple and grapes for dipping into the milk and white flowing chocolate. Yummy! Thanks to Elisa and Iain for cleaning the fountain after use and for doing a mountain of washing up the following morning.

Everyone had a bonzer time!

Maxine Bates